ALPHA AI Version Updates

ALPHA AI_With Dentist_2.JPG-1

Download the latest ALPHA AI version here.

5.1.4 - July 1, 2024

-  The position of the ALPHA AI Premium button has been adjusted to the right of the top bar
- Adding CAD functions Trim and Support Bar in ALPHA AI Premium
- Opening the Search printer function will start the search automatically
- In Settings, Language is now the first setting to appear.
- Integration with DentBird:

- Bug fix: Windows will not flag ALPHA AI software from an unknown publisher. 

5.1.3 - April 29, 2024

- When opening the software for the first time, a printer update reminder is displayed.

5.1.2 - February 29, 2024

- Enable the ability to hide a printer in the dropdown printer list.

5.1.1 - January 31, 2024

- When opening the software for the first time, the default setup will be

  • Printer and Build Platform: SOL Large L BP
  • Resin Manufacturer: Ackuretta
  • Resin Type: CURO Element Model Beige
If reopening the software after having used it, the last used settings will reappear instead of the default ones.
- When slicing a file, the default name will be the job name :
  • When it is a new import, the default file name will be the STL file name.
  • When it is a previously already sliced file, the default file name will be the .acku or .i3dp file name.

5.1.0 - December 28, 2023

We updated ALPHA AI to version 5.1.0, please make sure to update your SOL (to version 1.0.0) and DENTIQ (to version 2.0.0) in Settings > Update. With this new update, .ibf files become .acku.

- Quick Tour tutorial on opening the software
-  Variable Layer Thickness function for SOL/DENTIQ/FreeShape G3 
- Creation of a unique .acku file that replaces i3dp/ibf 
except for Ackuray and the first FreeShape generations 
- Addition of a Help Button directing to the User Dashboard 
- Addition of a checkbox to confirm the resin when selecting Slice 
- Pop up window when selecting “Save” to remind the user that an i3dp is not a print file - In the Setup part, renaming “Printer” to “Printer & Build Platform” 
- When updating the software add a link to Version updates on the Help Center (it can be accessed in Settings too anytime) 
- Changes Support manual mode: Use the DLT key to delete supports and the CTRL key to select multiple supports at once. Click and drag to select an area of supports.

- Double clicking an .acku//i3dp file opens it on ALPHA AI
- Bug fix: Orientation arrows being covered by other applications 


5.0.7 - November 9, 2023
- Added integration with 3Shape CAMair Server.
- Modified volume calculations. When selecting a print volume, the volume displayed now includes the supports volume.
- Bug fix: fixed an issue where the control arrows were displaying incorrectly


5.0.6 - September 27, 2023

- Adding 3 new AI modules: Denture base, Denture teeth, and Removable dies.
- User can select their preferred IP address while sending the slicing file.
- Tooltips in the control panel area are always enabled.
- Premium users can log into their account on up to 4 different devices


5.0.5  - June 29 , 2023

- Add 2 more AI modules (Plain and hollow model)
- Combined Crown and Bridge modules under the same dropdown
- Add a round corner on SOL Middle BP
- Software remembers the last printing setup configuration upon opening
- Bug fix: hiding printer crash issue


5.0.4  - April 25, 2023

- Add Nesting function in AI
- Add log about the connection(with server)(Path : C:\ALPHA AI\Bin\Log\)

- Bug fix: hiding printer crash issue.
- Bug fix: Cannot find printer after slicing.


5.0.3  - March 22, 2023

- Provide STL files in this folder "C/3DP Data/Sample STL"
- Add Cancel icon during the slicing process
- Add a hint if no printer can be found after scanning 
- Function of hiding printer and resin. (The user will only choose the printers and resins he wants to use)
- Add icons for shift, rotate, and zoom in/out to be able to use our SW with the laptop pad
- Auto STL recovery function if a crash occurs
- STL overlapping detection (will be in purple if it is overlapped)
Bug fix: base automatically added after going to support
Bug fix: Z adjusting bug after copy ST