Update your SOL firmware in Settings > Updates > Check for updates.
1.04 - October 14, 2024
- Bug fix: error "Dynamic LED Fetch Failed"
1.o.3 - July 18, 2024
- Improvement of the update notification system
- Files in history that have been stored longer than 2 months will now be deleted to save space
- bug fix: Everytime SOL boots it will automatically detect and delete the corrupted files.
1.0.1 - April 29, 2024
- A QR code for the User Dashboard is displayed if a print is unsuccessful. Users can then access troubleshooting resources or open a support ticket.

- We removed the successful message after the printing process for the Web and Mobile. Now it just shows "Check Printer". This allows users to add new prints to the queue without having to go to the printer to click the "Print successful?".
- Bug fix: Cannot upload files when the printer is printing and the queue only has one item. Now users can add files to the queue while the printer is busy printing